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Down 70 Pounds In 2 Years- My Weight Loss Story and Tips for Success

Disclaimer: Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before starting any weight loss, nutrition or exercise program. I am not a doctor; I'm just sharing my weight loss experience.

A Brief Backstory

My weight issues started when I was around thirteen years old. I was diagnosed with something called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks the thyroid, the butterfly-shaped gland in the neck that affects metabolism. Hashimoto's is a precursor to Hypothyroidism. I developed full-blown Hypothyroidism when I was fifteen. Some effects of Hypothyroidism include weight gain, fatigue, irregular menstrual periods, muscle aches and pains, dry skin, and swelling of the face and extremities. Hypothyroidism doesn't go away but can be managed with lifestyle changes and medication. After my diagnosis, I struggled severely with body image issues and an eating disorder, from which I am recovering. I gained thirty pounds in a month and continued to gain rapidly until I was nineteen. My heaviest weight was 200 pounds in 2018. I lost 35 pounds in 2019 and another 35 in 2020 (yes, somehow, I lost during COVID) and have maintained my weight for over two years. This post is about how I lost the last 35 pounds after getting serious about losing weight.

Getting Serious About Weight Loss

When I say, "I got serious about losing weight," I mean I no longer tried fad diets or starved myself to get the number on the scale down. Before I got serious, there were times when I would go a few days without any solid food because I was on a "liquid diet," or I would go vegetarian, vegan, or cut out all sugar, bread, and dairy. That's not to say that any of these are inherently wrong, but, in my case, they were since I was restricting certain foods and was showing I had an unhealthy relationship with food. I was looking for quick results, leading to more weight gain. Unfortunately, quick results lead to rapid weight gain when you fall off the wagon. I also rarely worked out, leading an extremely sedentary lifestyle. When I got serious about my weight loss and health, I began jogging on the treadmill every day for half an hour, then did sit-ups, push-ups, and squats at night. I'd also take walks outside every day not only to get some exercise but also to get some sun. I followed a healthy meal plan full of protein and veggies, tried to limit refined carbs (which were the majority of my diet before), and switched to complex carbs instead- such as beans, potatoes, fiber-rich veggies, and whole wheat bread and grains. I also drank about 3 liters of water and two cups of green tea a day- once in the morning and again at night.

5 Things You Can Do to Jumpstart Weight Loss

  1. Cut down on soda. Try and limit your soda intake to one or two cans a day. When I stopped drinking soda, I immediately noticed a difference in my stomach. It's been years since I had any soda, and after quitting, I had no interest in going back to drinking it every day. Remember that small changes can lead to the most significant results.

  2. Drink more water. Before starting my weight loss journey, I didn't drink much water. I was fearful it would make me gain weight, but when I heard that water promotes weight loss, I began to drink more and saw a big difference in my weight, hair, skin, and energy levels. Opt for eight glasses of water a day, and if you want to challenge yourself, aim for a liter or two.

  3. Go on more walks. You don't have to go crazy with exercise as I did at the beginning. I don't recommend going all out because it does more harm than good and can lead to injury- which leads to no exercise. Start small by walking or doing yoga or any activity you like. My favorite way to lose weight is to dance. Either through dance workout videos or just putting on some tunes and dancing around the house. Take your dog on a walk or ask your significant other to start a daily walk routine with you. Before I lost weight, I hated exercising. If you find ways to make it fun, you'll have a much easier time making healthy changes.

  4. Eat more veggies and protein. The best nutrition choice you can make is to increase your veggie intake and ensure you include good protein sources at every meal. My favorite protein sources include peanut butter, almonds, salmon, Greek yogurt, and eggs. I also eat protein bars quite often- Atkins is my favorite. They have the widest variety, and their flavors are great. You can also opt for whey or soy protein powder when starting; blending it into a smoothie in the mornings is healthy and gives you a good dose of protein.

  5. DO NOT skip meals! This is crucial. If you aren't hungry in the mornings, eat something small or drink a protein shake to tide you over until you have lunch. I eat six small meals a day, rather than three big meals, which helps me not overeat or feel ravenous at the end of the day. Don't fall under 1200 calories a day, as this will not help you lose weight; it will only cause your body to hold onto it because you're in starvation mode. And please, don't eat all your calories in one meal a day. The best way to lose weight is to do it healthily because you have less chance of gaining your weight back. Don't do fad diets or try and starve yourself because this will only harm you and hinder your weight loss.

Thank you so much for reading.



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